Developers of Top Construction Estimating Software

About Us

CPR Software is dedicated to providing comprehensive and easy to use construction cost estimating software to create fast and accurate cost estimates.

Established in 1986, our company’s software products are used in USA and abroad. With an installed base of over 225,000 customers actively using CPR Software products, we have the background, experience and demonstrated success in providing cost effective cost estimating solutions.

We provide products that span construction estimating software and job costing software in MS-Excel based platform.

Looking for the best construction cost estimating software in terms of function, features and ease of use? Try our 7-day free cost estimating software with full features and create your cost estimate.

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How-To Series

Climate Change, What to Do?

Climate change has already started affecting our environment in a substantial way. Forest fires, extreme cold and heat waves, frequent hurricanes, droughts, expanding deserts, melting ice packs, and more.

Scientists confidently declare that global temperatures will continue to rise as a result of high degree of greenhouse gases produced. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which includes more than 1,300 scientists from the United States and other countries, forecasts a temperature rise of 2.5 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit over the next century.

In the near future, storm surges, high tides and tsunamis in conjunction with sea level rise sea level rise will further increase flooding in many regions, especially coastal communities.

Along these lines, planning and building codes and other common-sense measures have a role to play. Developments located away from low lying areas, elevated buildings, flood retention and flood barrier structures should be considered and incorporated into everyday planning and construction.

In fact, many architects and builders are amassing such preventive measures and ideas into their practice and appear to attract a more informed and concerned clientele for their services. The building industry welcomes this and encourages more sensitivity and proactive action to mitigate climate change, now and in the near future.